A new database lets users access the major variants in every verse of the Greek New Testament. Here are just a few of the endorsements, including my own:īW9 takes a giant leap forward in terms of opening up the world of textual variants and text criticism. There are ten more video clips available here. Here is an introductory video to Bibleworks 9:

To whet your appetite, here is a short video that shows you Bibleworks 9 in action: There is literally something for everyone in this latest release. Available as add-on modules are the ESV Study Bible, Reformed Dogmatics (4 Volume Set) by Herman Bavinck, and Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine by Wayne Grudem (for a full list of available add-on modules, see here). Included in the standard package is The New Moody Atlas of the Bible that includes high resolution maps and photos. Among the most exciting additions are a quantum leap forward in tools for textual criticism, a new fourth column that expands the information you can display on the screen, and several new tabs within the Analysis Window.

For more even more discussion of the new features in Bibleworks 9, be sure to check out the unofficial Bibleworks blog, where there is an ongoing series of posts covering the new features in detail. If you are already familiar with Bibleworks and are wondering what is new in this most recent release, check it out here. If you are unfamiliar with Bibleworks, the best place to begin is here. There are so many reasons I love this software. But even cooler than that is serving as a beta tester for a few of the versions, including the one they have just released-Bibleworks 9.

In God's providence I have had the privilege of becoming a certified Bibleworks trainer, conducting training workshops throughout the United States for students, professors and pastors. Over these past 17 years I have only grown more convinced that it is the premier exegetical software for studying Scripture. I have been an avid user of Bibleworks for the past 17 years (since version 3.0!).