Plait command-line jukebox v.1.6.2 Plait (pronounced "play") is a command- line jukebox and music player front-end.
Use annotations to define your options, and descriptions for the auto generated.
Event Driven Command Line Handler v.1.1.6 For Java, parses GNU standards compliant command line arguments and calls event handler methods/fields automatically, based on given arguments (cmd line & from file).
The text console uses Swing in order to be fully cross-platform and also provides for the use of native console APIs such as Curses and the Windows.
Enigma Console and Shell v.beta.0.2 A powerful Java-based command line shell and text console API.
A Developer Licence is available with the full SOURCE CODE.
Invoice Manager by StivaSoft v.1.5 Invoice Manager is a simple PHP/MySQL based accounting script and invoice program professionally developed to meet the small and middle business needs of business accounting software.